Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in some foods and drinks, such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, beer, and wine. Purines are nitrogenous compounds that are present in a number of food items like mushrooms, green peas, meat products, fishes, etc. Uric acid chemically is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen and is a reducing compound. It also has very powerful anti-oxidant properties
Uric acid is a by-product of the digestion of proteins, which is normally filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. However, some people produce more uric acid than the kidneys can easily get rid of, or the kidneys themselves do not dispose of the acid efficiently. When this happens, deposits of uric acid build up in the body, giving rise to disease, especially arthritis and gout.
If your body produces too much uric acid or doesn't remove enough if it, you can get sick. High levels of uric acid in the body is called hyperuricemia.
Drugs that can increase the level of uric acid in your body include:
- Alcohol
- Ascorbic acid
- Aspirin
- Caffeine
- Cisplatin
- Diazoxide
- Diuretics
- Epinephrine
- Ethambutol
- Levodopa
- Methyldopa
- Nicotinic acid
- Phenothiazines
- Theophylline
Drugs that can decrease the level of uric acid in your body include:
- Allopurinol
- Azathioprine
- Clofibrate
- Corticosteroids
- Estrogen
- Glucose
- Guaifenesin
- Mannitol
- Probenecid
- Warfarin
Gout, otherwise known as podagra or uric acid arthropathy is a rheumatic complaint, that usually attacks a single joint at a time. The disease has a preference for the big toe of middle-aged men - it swells, turns red and becomes sore. The soreness is such that just walking through a room can cause severe pain.
Persons suffering from high uric acid should intake foods that are rich in potassium like potatoes, dried peaches, oranges, apples, bananas, and skimmed mild and yoghurt. It should also be rich in complex protein like tofu, berrier, celery, parsley, cabbage, tomatoes, etc. Pasta, rice, cereals, and whole wheat breads should be regularly consumed. Pineapples, red cabbage, red bell peppers, lemon juice, soy products, and chocolate help in the reduction of natural uric acid. Foods that are high in uric acid levels are meat, seafood, yeast, caffeine, lentils and vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach. These foods should be avoided by all means by the persons having high uric acid levels.
Alcohol not only promotes uric acid production but also disrupts body’s ability to eliminate it. Intake of alcohol, especially beer should be reduced as it is the highest purine beverage. Alcohol interferes with the body’s absorption of calcium. Again, a higher than the normal anxiety level leads many with pyroluria to drink alcohol. Around one-third to one-half of alcoholics has this genetic chemical imbalance.
Losing a few pounds is essential in keeping the uric acid in normal level. Though every person is not overweight but many are. Researches have shown that more than half the population suffering from gout is overweight. Studies have also proved that reduction of weight in these obese individuals have also led to the reduction of serum uric acid levels.
Essential oil of Lemon has a very specific action in counteracting the excess acidity of the system, as does fresh lemon juice. Although the fruit is itself acid, it has an alkaline reaction in the body.
Other essential oils which can be helpful in such toxic accumulations are detoxifying oils such as Fennel and Juniper.