This website has been built and is maintained solely for my benefit. I am however pleased if you find the articles here of use and they help to relieve your ailments or the pain of others. Use of any of the recipes found on this website are at your own risk and I do not claim that any or all of them will work for you.
I do not claim authorship to all of the information found here. Most of it has been collected over many years and from many different sources. As is usual in the scientific world opinions and information is in a constant state of flux. It seems that what is good for you one day is bad for you the next. The Medical and Chemical information included here is correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of writing.
I have used many of the remedies myself with great success, but I am not a doctor and do not claim to be medically trained in any way. I do not endorse, nor do I encourage anyone to implement Aromatherapy or any suggestions contained within this site without the consent of his/her medical doctor. I also do not take any liability for your implementation of any oils, recipes, or anything else available through this site, from any book or Essential Oils, or anything available on any site linked from www.oilsandplants.com
I have had a lifelong love affair with Aromacology and I am constantly amazed at the healing powers of Oils, Herbs and Plants. As I stated at the beginning of this disclaimer, this website is purely for my own benefit and not a profit making exercise, although I do earn a small commission from Amazon should you purchase any oils or books from them via links that you find here. The few pennies this generates goes towards the running costs of this website.