

OliveBotanical Name: Olea europaea

Aroma: Typical aroma of olive oil used in cooking (smells somewhat like olives).

Texture: Heavy and rather oily.

Absorption/Feel: Oily.

Color: Light to medium green.

Shelf Life: 1-2 Years

Notes: If not carefully used or used in a small dilution with another carrier, it may overpower a blend.

Olive oil is a popular choice amongst the fruit oils available, due to its numerous uses. Extracted from Olive, the botanical name of which is Olea europaea, this traditional plant is basically a crop of the Mediterranean Basin. It is extensively brought to use in cooking. Traditionally, it was used in the form of fuel to light the lamps. Olive oil is widely used in the making of soaps and several cosmetic products. When purchasing Olive Oil, be sure that you are purchasing a cold pressed, virgin oil.

Olive Oil can cause sensitivity or allergic reactions in some individuals. Olive Oil contains approximately 10% saturated fat, 60% oleic acid (an omega-9 fatty acid), 11% linoleic acid (an omega-6 essential fatty acid), and less than 1% alpha linolenic acid (an omega-3 essential fatty acid).

Olive oil is very valuable for the physical wellbeing of humans, owing to the multitude of health benefits it offers. It has a high content of monounsaturated fat (mainly oleic acid) and polyphenols. The best part about using Olive oil is that it has a pretty long shelf life. It can be preserved without refrigeration for a year. There are distinctive varieties of Olive oil, differing in their quality.

Olive oil is known for its therapeutic properties. Very soothing in feel, it is very effective in curing several forms of diseases. Quite thick in consistency, Olive oil is usually greenish in color, though the shade may range from light to medium. It is rich in essential fatty acids vital for the human body. The oil helps a great deal in combating heart diseases. The external application of Olive oil is of great value in preventing the body from being dehydrated.

Olive oil serves as a great remedy for Arthritis. When rubbed on the affected body parts, it works wonders in keeping away the problem of Arthritis. For body burns and inflammation, Olive oil ensures early recovery of the wounded part of body. Owing to the strong aroma and heavy texture of Olive oil, its use is not preferred in Aromatherapy. Therefore, it is usually used in combination with other oils for giving relaxing body massage.


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