

Anethum graveolersPlant/Part: Herb/fruits (Source: Europe, Black Sea, Mediterranean)

Latin Name: Anethum graveolers

Family: Umbelliferae

Extraction: Distillation

AROMA: Herby, almost grass like.

PROPERTIES: The therapeutic properties of dill oil are antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, galactagogue, sedative, stomachic and sudorific.

CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: Carvone (Ketone), Eugenol, Myristicin (Phenols), Limonene, Phellandrene, Terpinene (Terpenes).

PRECAUTIONS: Used once to ease childbirth so perhaps best to avoid in pregnancy. Dill oil is considered non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. Apart from Gripe water the oil is much more powerful, and should not be used on infants.

BLENDS: Bergamot, Coriander, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Caraway, Nutmeg, Most Citrus Oils, but especially Mandarin.

Originally from South West Asia, Dill is an annual or biennial herb that grows up to 1 meter (3 feet). It has green feathery leaves and umbels of small yellow flowers, followed by tiny compressed seeds. It is a member of the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae (parsley) botanical family. Every part of the plant is aromatic. Dill is stimulating, revitalizing, and balancing

The dill plant is mentioned in the Papyrus of Ebers from Egypt in 1550 BC.  Roman gladiators rubbed their skin with dill before each match because of it's ability to ease the mind, calm the autonomic nervous system and ability to prevent excess sweating due to nervous tension. It was popular with the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who called it "Anethon" from which the botanical name was derived. The common name comes from the Anglo-Saxon 'dylle' or 'dylla', which then changed to dill. The word means 'to lull' - referring to its soothing properties. In the Middle Ages it was used as a charm against witchcraft. To the Greeks the presence of dill was an indication of prosperity. Charlemagne Dillused it at banquets to relieve hiccups and in the Middle Ages it was used as a love potion and to keep witches away. Since 1812, when Charlemagne, Emperor of France, ordered the extensive cultivation of this herb, it has been widely used, especially as a culinary herb.

Dill can reduce appetite, and, with fennel and baking soda, is a constituent of "Gripe Water" (Anti-colic water). However, the dill oil should not be used for this purpose in home remedies, as it is too powerful. Therapeutic-Grade dill essential oil is also known as a insulin blood sugar regulator. It has been researched at Cairo University for it's ability to lower glucose and insulin levels and support pancreatic function. Diabetics have used it with great success in combination with fennel and coriander

Dill oil helps to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed and is also helpful for digestive problems in adults, easing flatulence, constipation and hiccups. It eases the mind, calms headaches and helps with excess sweating due to nervous tension. It can also stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers, while promoting the healing of wounds.

Used in compresses for insomnia, Dill became a very common plant in the Middle Ages, believed to be a charm against witchcraft and was popular in love potions. Helpful for disordered digestion in adults, easing flatulence and constipation. It may have an effect on gastric fermentation and gets rid of bad breath. It is used to ease hiccups probably due to its antispasmodic properties and is helpful when feeling overwhelmed and may be of use in shock and times of crises.

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