Linden Blossom 10ml
Quick Overview
The Linden tree is a medium sized tree with dark green heart-shaped leaves, with blue-green undersides. The tree has fragrant yellow-white flowers, followed by round green fruits. The flowers are an aromatic, mucilaginous herb with diuretic, expectorant and calming properties, lowering blood pressure and increasing perspiration. Apart from the mucilage, the flowers also contain phenolics – pro-anthocyanidins, gallocatechol tannins and phenolic acids, while the sapwood contains phenolics and polyphenols.
This relaxing essential oil will help you sleep and tone the venous (veins and capillary) system, while thinning the blood. It brings down FEVER and helps to dislodge CATARRHand mucus and increase perspiration, but decreases night sweats. Linden blossom essential oil helps to clear that blocked stuffy feeling. It tones and help remove blemishes on the skin. An excellent tonic for theNERVOUS SYSTEM, helpful with HEADACHES,MIGRAINE, neuralgia and vertigo. Also said to be effective against high blood pressure resulting from nervous tension.
Plant/Part: Tree/Flowers (Source : Europe)
Latin Name: Tilia cordata Mill/Europaea/Vulgaris
Family: Tiliaceae
Extraction: Enfleurage
AROMA: Sweet, deep and slightly spicy, rather long lasting.
COLOUR: Yellow brown to yellow
APPEARANCE: Clear, viscous liquid
ODOUR: No off taints
PRECAUTIONS: Warning Linden Blossom should not be used over a long period of time. May cause allergy to a sensitive skin.
BLENDS: Benzoin, Citronella, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Palmarosa,Rose, Violet, Ylang Ylang.
The Linden tree is a medium sized tree with dark green heart-shaped leaves, with blue-green undersides. The tree has fragrant yellow-white flowers, followed by
round green fruits. The flowers are an aromatic, mucilaginous herb with diuretic, expectorant and calming properties, lowering blood pressure and increasing perspiration. Apart from the mucilage, the flowers also contain phenolics – pro-anthocyanidins, gallocatechol tannins and phenolic acids, while the sapwood contains phenolics and polyphenols.
This relaxing essential oil will help you sleep and tone the venous (veins and capillary) system, while thinning the blood. It brings down FEVER and helps to dislodge CATARRHand mucus and increase perspiration, but decreases night sweats. Linden blossom essential oil helps to clear that blocked stuffy feeling. It tones and help remove blemishes on the skin. An excellent tonic for theNERVOUS SYSTEM, helpful with HEADACHES,MIGRAINE, neuralgia and vertigo. Also said to be effective against high blood pressure resulting from nervous tension.
Its purifying and thinning action on the blood could help with chronic circulatory diseases, helping to clear high CHOLESTEROL levels and apparently has a beneficial action on anaemia. Its soothing, softening, toning action is said to keep wrinkles at bay. Also boasts a reputation for dealing with blemishes, freckles and burns as well as having a tonic effect on the scalp encouraging hair growth.
The flowers are traditionally used for hypertension, their general sedative effect, calming the digestive system, reducing respiratory mucus in colds and flu, boosting the cardiovascular system, as well as to relieve headache and migraine complaints. The sapwood is usedto reduce high blood pressure, as well as calming the stomach, to reduce water retention and to increase the flow of bile. It is used externally for itchy skin complaints.
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