Lemon (Citrus limonum) 100ml


Quick Overview

Description: Expressed from the peel of the lemon. It has an uplifting and refreshing aroma. An excellent remedy for oily skin because of its tonic action. It is a good treatment for brittle nails.

Lemon was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. 

SKU: lemon-citrus-limonum-100ml Category:



Botanical Name: Citrus limonum lemon-essential-oil

Plant Part: Peel of the fruit 

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed 

Origin: Italy 


Expressed from the peel of the lemon. It has an uplifting and refreshing aroma. An excellent remedy for oily skin because of its tonic action. It is a good treatment for brittle nails.

Lemon was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. 

Colour: A light yellow 

Common Uses: Lemon has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is recognized as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. Research has also shown lemon essential oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. 

Consistency: Light 

Note: Top 

Strength of Aroma: The aroma is similar to fresh lemon rinds except richer and more concentrated. 

Aromatic Scent: Lemon is highly prized for its high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. 

History: The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy. 

Cautions: Non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation in some. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. 

Please note, the International Federation of Aromatherapists do not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy.

Additional information

Weight 220 g


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